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"Jurassic park themed birthday" card

GC-F17 - 3D Dinosaur birthday.jpg
GC-F17 - 3D Dinosaur birthday.jpg

"Jurassic park themed birthday" card


This hand designed paper cut card features the dynamic Jurassic park inspired themed with classic features of Tyrannosaurus rex and Stegosaurus. This card shall make a lovely & friendly surprise to recipients from kids to history lover adults.

Our design team consist of many dinosaur and adventure lovers, so this card was a total joy to create - which we hope it will bring you the same happiness of giving / receiving it. This card is presented in a three fold/ triptych image.

Each item is measured 12x6" (31.5 x15 cm) and is accompanied with a deep green envelope to complete a touch of luxury. Comes pre-folded.

All cards are hand designed in our studio in London, England.

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